Saturday, July 08, 2006

Down Boy!

July 8 2006
You’d think Howard would get a ‘fixer’ with a bit of nouse…
What can you say about thump-em Bill Heffernan and his latest ham-fisted attempts at Rovian politics?
It’s been alleged this week that Heffernan was behind the dirty tricks campaign that not only led to the political downfall of NSW Opposition leader John Brogden but, in all likelihood, pushed the man to the point of attempted suicide.
The allegations come from a pretty good source - Denise McTaggart, wife of Alex McTaggart, the independent candidate who went on to win Brogden’s vacant seat.
According to Denise, Heffernan turned up at one of their campaign events in Sydney's northern beaches and struck up a conversation with her.
'I am John Howard's right hand man', he said 'I do John Howard's dirty work'.
She claims he then went on to make some allegations about Mr Brogden that were ‘so horrific I wouldn't like to repeat it."
Of course, Heffernan has denied all of this, utilizing a good all-purpose Aussie expletive to describe the allegations – “That's bullshit."
But the problem is, he didn’t restrict his glad-handing to Mrs McTaggart that day. He also spoke to Peter Jones, an accountant who worked for the McTaggart campaign team.
"Bill talked to me about having a file on the previous Liberal member. He also talked about the fact that Alex could just bide his time, and after a decent period of time could actually join the Liberal Party and he'd be guaranteed a seat for as long as he wanted."
Not too subtle, Bill-boy.
But then, subtlety’s never been his favourite suit.
Back in 2002, huffing Heff did his level best to ruin the career – and the life - of Justice Michael Kirby.
In an extraordinary speech in the Senate, Howard’s enforcer stated that a High Court judge had used a government car to pick up male prostitutes.
He also alleged that the judge "regularly trawled for rough trade" at this pick-up spot. And he had Comcar documents to prove it.
Now, by the curious rules of our Parliament, had Heffernan named the member of the judiciary he was smearing, he would have to sit down. So he made the disclosure the last five words of his speech: "The Honourable Justice Michael Kirby."
In the immediate aftermath of his speech, Howard backed his boy – even tabling a letter in Parliament that Heffernan had sent to NSW Police asking for an investigation.
The Prime Minister went on to make the strange suggestion that "proved misbehaviour," not just criminal behaviour, would be enough to remove a High Court judge.
Kirby was looking done like a dinner, but there was a small problem – the Comcar driver record was a fake.
Heff had to do the full, humiliating public apology and lost his place as Parliamentary secretary.
But not as Howard’s ‘go-get’ boy it seems.

And there’s a poignant post-script to this whole sordid affair. Fast-back to March 2002. John Brogden talking to Tony Jones on ABC TV about the Kirby debacle:

TONY JONES: Okay. Should Bill Heffernan get out of politics?

JOHN BROGDEN: No. Look, I think Bill's paid a pretty hefty price for his actions and I think he will continue to serve in the Parliament up until his next election,. And, as I say, I think he's paid a really heavy price.

TONY JONES: He doesn't only serve in the Senate. He serves in the Senate on behalf of NSW.


TONY JONES: Are you happy with that?

JOHN BROGDEN: Well, that's the decision of the Liberal Party. I've known Bill for a long time and I know how passionately he felt about these issues. He tragically miscalculated in terms of the decision that he made, and I don't think anybody watching could imagine a more sincere and humble apology than the one that Bill Heffernan gave to Michael Kirby…Look, everyone's entitled to have view and have a role in the party, and Bill will probably continue to do that.
He sure did.